IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 3 NO. 9 2017

Effects of Strategic Planning on Organizational Performance (A Study of Nigerian Bottling Company, Enugu)

Ikoro Emenike Innocent and Nwosu Ndubuisi Levi


The study investigated the effects of strategic planning on organizational performance with Nigerian Bottling Company Enugu, as a case in hand; the aim is to know whether strategic planning has effect on the overall performance of the organization. The methodology that was used for the study is survey design and the target population was 180 members of staff of Nigerian Bottling Company Enugu while the sample size was 124 which were determined using Taro Yamen’s formula. The result of the analysis indicate that there is relationship between effective strategic planning and organizational performance and also that lack of accountability, lack of commitment and lack of understanding of the role in the execution process are challenges in the implementation of strategic planning and therefore recommend among others that Nigerian firms should give more serious attention to strategic planning and finally, employee welfare should also be given adequate attention for efficiency and effectiveness in organization.


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