IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 3 NO. 8 2017

Effectiveness of Extension Services in Enhancing the Productivity, Income and Welfare of Women Farmers Cooperatives in Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna State

Onwuka, Franca Ndidiamaka, Otaokpukpu, Justina Njideka and Okonkwo, Chukwudi Joseph


The broad objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of extension service in enhancing the productivity, income and welfare of women farmers’ cooperative in Kajuru LGA. The population of the study was 310 farmers of 18 registered farmers’ women cooperative in Kajuru LGA of Kaduna state. 80 women farmers were selected, the sampling technique used were purposive and simple random sampling method. The eighty respondents returned their questionnaires. Hence, the data was analysed based on eighty questionnaires using descriptive statistics, mean rating, multiple response, likert scale and standard was used to determine the effectiveness of extension services on the productivity, income and welfare of the women farmers in Kajuru LGA of Kaduna state, the study revealed that women farmers’ cooperative societies in the study area affirms that extension services has increase their productivity, income and also improved their welfare. Consequently, the study recommended government should pay attention on land consolidation programme in view of the fragmented holding as well as excess land should be redistributed to the less privileged women farmers as this will enable women farmers to have more access to land which will help them to adopt the new innovations. Also, government and other interested agencies who needs the services of agriculture, should assist women farmers’ cooperative in term of chemicals, fertilizer, heavy machines, improve seedlings and improve farming equipment’s, credit facilities, research agencies/institutes, and build adult education centres where the extension agent can enlighten members of the women farmers’ cooperative societies on the uses of modern techniques in agriculture.


Effectiveness, Extension Services, Productivity, Income, Welfare, Women Farmers Cooperatives.


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